JPetFramework  8.0.0
J-PET Analysis Framework

What is it?

J-PET Analysis Framework is a flexible analysis environment which serves as a backbone system for the reconstruction algorithms and calibration procedures used during the data processing and standardizes the common operations, e.g: input/output process, access to the detector geometry parameters and more. It is written in C++ using the object-oriented approach. It is based on the ROOT libraries combined with some BOOST packages. The quality of the code is assured by the automatized set of unit tests. The documentation of the code is generated by Doxygen.

Latest Version

The latest stable version can be downloaded from the github repository. You must have git client installed and do:

git clone myFramework


The code documentation can be generated with Doxygen package using:

make documentation

in the build directory. The index.html file will be available in the html/ directory located inside the build directory.


Please see the file called INSTALL.


J-PET Analysis Framework is being developed by Wojciech Krzemien, Aleksander Gajos, Kamil Rakoczy, Szymon Niedźwiecki and Krzysztof Kacprzak. The former developers are Karol Stola, Damian Trybek, Andrzej Gruntowski, Klara Muzalewska, Oleksandr Rundel and Tomasz Kisielewski.


In case you want to refer to J-PET Analysis Framework you can use this reference:

W. Krzemien et al.

Analysis framework for the J-PET scanner Acta Phys. Polon. A127 (2015) 1491-1494 DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.1491 e-Print: arXiv:1503.00465

Bug Reporting & Contact

If you have any question or comment please write to: or better post it to the Redmine